Violence vs Art

I recently had a conversation with my dear violin professor on the subject of violence - acts of violence and terrorism - in the world today and how this is, or could be, related to what we do as musicians and to the lives of artists in general.  I felt so deeply emotional after this conversation, and after the events of this week I have decided to get some of the ideas that I shared with my professor down here - perhaps as much for myself as for anyone else who shares these feelings and/or is interested.  I wanted to also say at the very beginning how much my thoughts are with Belgium and anyone who has suffered this week.

Perhaps one of the most poignant things my professor said was her belief that 'as violence in the world increases, the need for art decreases.'  

I think that right now, the world is just overcome with the violence that seems to be taking it over - across Europe, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, USA, Palestine..... - it is everywhere and all the time.  With each news report of another attack or shooting or bomb, we get a new figure of those that have died and those that have suffered. I feel society changing around me, people becoming more scared, changing their plans as a precaution, acing differently.

The lives of artists are also changing. I have heard from so many of my musician colleagues, including professors, how difficult it has become to get concert opportunities these days - they are fewer and fewer, and harder and harder to make a living from.  That for each concert engagement we have to really fight for it - we have to fight to make our art, and this is something new.

Is there a connection here?
Are we so overwhelmed by these horrific events in the world that we are forgetting our basic human need for art?

Art is something that connects humanity together.  We have an emotional need for it, it expresses our deepest feelings, from one person on one side of the planet to another.  In a time where these acts of violence are continuing to occur more often, our need for art is only becoming greater.  We need it more now than we have needed before, but we are getting less of it!

I can only feel that what artists are doing now across the world - musicians, painters, dancers, actors, writers...- is most important, and more important now than it ever has been.  What they are creating is what we need - it's real and true and beautiful, it connects those that are in pain and helps the rest understand the pain.  Support living artists!

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